Custom Patina Bronze Park Sculpture 2021-12-29

                                                                                                                                                                                                   Video: Patina Bronze Park Sculpture is installed in Qingdao World Expo.

Basic Information of the Patina Bronze Park Sculpture:

 Dimension: Height 5meters

Material: Bronze

Surface Treatment: Patina

Installation Site: Qingdao, China

Year of completion: 2014


                                                                                                                                                                                                            Patina Bronze Park Sculpture is installed in Qingdao World Expo.

Detail Information About this Patina Bronze Park Sculpture:

This bronze sculpture named "Jiang Xue" was designed by young sculptor Tan Qiang and installed at the Qingdao World Expo in 2014. This is also a bronze sculpture specially customized by Mr. Tan Qiang for his hometown of Qingdao. Its height is 5 meters and the surface is treated in patina. During fabrication, we carefully analyzed the renderings provided by the customer, and for the design with relatively more surface details, in order to better restore the design itself, we normally make a 1:1 clay model to make the sculpture. Then, a series of processes such as fiberglass model, wax mold, and bronze casting is carried out. Due to the limitation of casting volume, the sculpture needs to be divided into several sections for casting, and then assembled and welded together, and there is no visible weld on the outside after completion. Finally, polishing and patina surface treatment is done.

This sculpture takes a common camellia tree as its shape, and the two flower gods Jiangxue and Xiangyu in ancient Chinese myths dance gracefully around this tree. In Jiang Xue, the artist seems to have found a connection point between himself and the city, such a vigorous and upward, gentle personality and attitude of tenacity, empathy and righteousness, and selfishness. At the same time, the common camellia tree was also identified as one of the city flowers at a meeting of the Standing Committee of the Qingdao Municipal People's Congress.

Patina-Bronze-Park-Sculpture-Renderings                                                                                                                                                                                              The rendering of this patina bronze sculpture was provided by the sculptor.


                                                                                                                                                                                                                   1:1 clay model of this patina bronze sculpture in Sino foundry.

Patina-Bronze-Park-Sculpture-Inspection                                                                                                                                                                            Sino production director Mr. Zhang and the sculptor inspected the clay model together.

Patina-Bronze-Park-Sculpture-Site-Installation                                                                                                                                                                                                   The completion of site installation by Sino team in Qingdao World Expo.

Patina-Bronze-Park-Sculpture-Site-Installation                                                                                                                                                                                                   The completion of site installation by Sino team in Qingdao World Expo.

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